Birkman Assessment

The Birkman assessment is a valuable tool for individuals to tap their inner potential earlier in life. It is one of the most sought-after assessments by individuals and organizations looking to improve performance, increase job satisfaction, and build more effective teams. Organizations use this assessment to help identify employees' strengths and match them to roles most suited to their personalities and interests.

At Sojourn, we use this assessment to help our young minds to get ahead in their career choices and build a plan of action that matches their personality and interests. This further fosters self-awareness in decision-making in their college years.

So, what is the Birkman Assessment:

The Birkman Method is a comprehensive personality assessment tool that measures an individual's interests, behavior, and needs in the workplace. Developed by psychologist Dr. Roger Birkman in the 1950s, the assessment tool provides a holistic understanding of an individual's personality, strengths, and potential areas for development.

The Birkman assessment measures 11 distinct personality traits like assertiveness, sociability, and stress tolerance. It further compares them to an individual's ideal self, providing insight into areas where an individual may be over or under-functioning. The assessment also measures an individual's interests, which can help identify careers or work environments that are likely to be a good fit.

What to expect:

